Monday, March 13, 2006

Sarah 的阅读能力让人担忧

以前我总以为小老大聪明,很多事情一点就通,其实不然。小老大从上Kindergarten起就开始做阅读,总结中心思想。这个学期开始读书回,一星期两 本书。这么几个月下来,我发现小老大记忆力很好,通常一本书读下来,小人能一个细节不漏的重复一边书的内容,不过,summarize the story briefly却是个大问题。简单的故事还可以,复杂一些的,小人就不能用一两句话概括书的内容。这个weekend我们一起读了Mighty Jackie. This book is about Jackie Mitchell, the famous woman baseball player who struck NY Yankee Babe Ruth in 1931. 当我问小老大,what did you learn from this story? 我是一直希望她能说she learnt that to set her mind on something and work hard on it, she would be successful. 不过小老大绕来绕去就是没离开什么 Jackie learnt how to struck a man. She started playing baseball when she was little. She was the only woman playing baseball at that time. 为什么这么长时间的阅读训练以后,还是不能看到一本书深层次的意义呢?


Starsea said...


Amy and Darrell said...
