Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Record Sarah's first tooth lost

at school in the afternoon. bottom front right

some other milestones

birthday: 11/7/2000
first PED office visit: 11/10/2000
first shopping day: 11/11/2000
one-month well baby checkup: 12/13/2000 at 12:30 PM
two-month well baby checkup: 1/9/2001 at 12:30 PM
first portrait taken: at home 1/17/2001
first real word: 饿, 2/13/2001
well baby checkup: 3/7/2001 11AM
first rollover from back to tummy: 3/19/2001
first time put foot to mouth: 4/28/2001
well baby checkup: 5/10/2001
started to crawl: 5/19/2001
first baby tooth popped out: 5/27/2001, bottom front left
first time sat up by herself: 6/21/2001
first time visited China: 8/16/2001
first step: 11/3/2001

Monday, May 22, 2006

Record Kathy’s ear infection

poor little thing, hope she gets better soon.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


fun, fine, 这两个词怎么就听着都一样呢?
以前经常被老公校正发音,f, v, s, sh, th, o, u, 很多年无数遍以后,老公痛心地发现,本小姐实在是不可教也,逐放弃。本小姐继续一通乱发音,满嘴跑舌头,美国佬都能被我气得翻白眼。真真是糟蹋文化。
没想到啊没想到,气完了老公接着能气翻亲生女儿。昨天晚上小老大不厌其烦,淳淳善诱,翻来覆去地校正fun, fine俩字的发音,直教的老妈我舌头都不知道该放哪里了,报告小老大,妈妈要去找水“嚯”, 小人痛心摇头,妈妈你还是先把中国话说好吧。

Saturday, May 13, 2006


好不容易,一家四口里三个有看牙医资格的约了医生看牙。Waiting Room里Sarah唠唠叨叨自己填表,笑得一边的白大叔胖肚子一抖一抖地。啰里啰唆,三口人终于在半小时后把所有的表都填好了。进到里面,Sarah先 来,要乐Buble Gum味道的洗牙膏,20 颗牙,颗颗洗得放光。牙医压轴,一数牙,21颗!长牙了!小时候最先出来的那颗牙,右下边第一颗的后面,冒出一个比小奶牙大的牙头。老爸老妈就没那么好命 了,两口子加起来一共查出大大小小8个洞。3个大洞都是老爸的,5个小洞在老妈嘴里。想着吱吱响的钻头老妈我就耳鸣眼花双腿无力,多拖一天算一天,打算明 年再说。
一下午的时间,Sarah兴奋地逢人就说,我,有waggling tooth,waggling tooth后面还有一颗在长的,那是我的big girl tooth。我长出big girl tooth, 我就把我的baby tooth放在枕头下面,tooth fairy就会给我stickers。到了晚上,check email, 发现一封从未见过面的Auntie Gloria的email, 也不管人家写什么,两个手指头戳了半天,凑出一封email, 大致内容就是小人我长牙了。