Monday, June 27, 2005


“Mommy, you just know how to let me do this, do that. You need to learn do things yourself. OK?”

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Kathy likes table food

So far I found that Kathy likes baked salmon and fried Sole Fish.
As for nutrition fact, I have got this from the website.

Salmon recipes

Omega-3 fatty acids

Ω3 脂肪酸




  Ω3脂肪酸。营养学家Lyssie Lakatos指出,Ω3脂肪酸在脑组织的成长和发育过程中起着重要作用。富含Ω3脂肪酸的食物包括海鱼(三文鱼、金枪鱼、沙丁鱼)、亚麻仁、菜籽油、大豆和南瓜籽。


Friday, June 24, 2005


Originally uploaded by shryl2004.
Looking at this picture, all of sudden, I realized that my Sarah is a big girl now. Though in my mind, she is still a little baby.

June 23 2005

**** Sarah finally brought back a bug, a small ladybug. The bug was put in one of Kathy's baby bottle. Hopefully the bug can survive for couple days. Sarah said the next thing she will take home is a baby snake!!!!!

**** The plant which Sarah give to mommy as Mother's Day gift finally bloomed. Hubby told me that the flower was there yesterday. How come I didn't see?

**** For the first time, Kathy was put on a pair of shoes which scared her a little.

**** Kathy's new habit, poopoo on tummy, peepee in bathtub.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Bath time peepee

For the past entire week, every time I put Kathy in the tub, she'd peepee in the water. I tried to hold her and let her release to the toilet. Somehow she still managed to hold till be put in the tub. :(

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Sarah and her caterpillar

Sarah found a one-inch long brown worm in the sand box at school, which she believed will turn into a beautiful butterfly couple months later. She took the “caterpillar” and put it into her box. When we picked her up, she said that she wanted to take the “caterpillar” home to “raise it up and let it turn into a beautiful butterfly”. Ms. Robin and I both tried to talk her to let the “caterpillar” back home to re-union with its parents. Sarah didn’t buy this because “the caterpillar was alone” when she found it. Finally I gave up and said she could take it home but had to put it in a jar. Thanks goodness, the gentleman parked next to us knew this worm and recognized that it would become a moth rather than a beautiful butterfly. The worm was let go at last. However to make Sarah feel better, Steve and I promised that if she can find a real caterpillar that will grow up into a beautiful butterfly, she can keep the worm. Now I am crossing my figures to hope that she will never bring home a worm.

Ps. Sarah made a card and a cap for her Dad as Father’s Day gift.

Kathy rolled over smoothly for the first time. Finally on the day she is six months and 10 days old.

Monday, June 06, 2005




排骨小将6 month checkup

weight: 16 lb, 50% (这还是好心的护士阿姨从15lb1573oz四舍五入上的)
height: 27.5 in, 95%
head: 17 in, 75% (这个可是比姐姐少多了,小老大那时每次都有90%以上)

可爱慈祥的医生奶奶第二个进来看我们。小老二先是傻愣愣地盯着医生奶奶一分钟,很不高兴地想把听诊器用手推开。得到医生奶奶大力表扬,“She’s alert. Her nervous system is developing very well.” 接着看皮肤,joints,眼睛,鼻子,嘴还有小屁屁。又得医生奶奶表扬, “Her skin is beautiful. She’s perfect。” 再接着是医生奶奶拉着小老二的手坐起来。再次受到表扬,“She can sit perfectly.” 然后是医生奶奶抱着站起来。小老二很争气地站了5秒钟。又受到表扬,“She’s very strong.” 此时妈妈已经被表扬的警惕性提高到Red Level, “Is everything OK with her? Nothing wrong? You know, she cannot roll over yet. She still needs support while sitting. And she drills all the time and no sigh of a single tooth coming thru. She doesn’t response when I teach her to say Mommy.” 医生奶奶用美丽的笑容堵住了妈妈的嘴,“Absolutely nothing wrong with her. She’s growing beautifully.”

bed上做tummy time. 小老二抓住机会两手齐动,把床上的大纸几下子拉倒眼前,低头狂啃。再然后小老二被放在妈妈腿上坐着。医生奶奶递过来检查嘴用的冰糕棍一支,小老二一把抓过来放进嘴里啃得有滋有味。突然意识到好东西是要share地,于是从嘴里拔出来,带着我们的热情,带着我们的体温,也带着我们的口水,嗷嗷地递给医生奶奶。“可好吃了,您也来一口吧。”医生奶奶笑开花。出的门来被老妈我教育,“宝宝呀,以后呢,带着我们口水的东西就不用share了。”

然后是挨了4针,哭得哇哇的。在waiting room里喝了6oz formula. 奶足饭饱后我们就回家了。

另, 在waiting room 里,小老二十分social,居然和一位白爸爸你一句嗷嗷,我一句啊啊地聊了半天。一位白妈妈对我们的中国血统表示怀疑,“Pardon me。But she really doesn't look like an Asian baby."

Sunday, June 05, 2005


Originally uploaded by shryl2004.
半岁前一晚小Kathy被剃了个小光头。Hair Trimmer的声音可是把我们吓坏了。哭得哇哇的。爸爸一个劲地念叨,“叮!小和尚。叮叮叮叮叮,叮~~~~~~!”

Friday, June 03, 2005

Sarah's Teacher Parents Conference

I am just copying the letter from her teachers.

Sarah is a very smart girl who has grown a lot on her language and social and emotional skills. Sarah is a sweet girl who likes to play in housekeeping, the computer, blocks, and buid up floor puzzles. She loves to draw and color. She also loves to play in the sensory table. When Sarah first started in our classroom, she was shy, but she is not anymore. Now she has more friends to play with. Sarah can recognize and write her name very well. She can also recognize and write upper and lower case letters of the alphabet. Sarah can count numbers in Spanish and is able to sing songs in Spanish. She also knows the colors in English and Spanish. Sarah is very respectful with her teachers. She needs to work on how to be herself because some times she likes to copy others. We think Sarah is ready for the kindergarten. Good luck Sarah. It's been a pleasure to have Sarah in our Butterfly Room.

Now I need to work with her to have her to herself.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


前两天 每天晚上对着老二教她说“妈妈”。第一天没反应,吃着手指头瞪眼看我。昨天有反应了,两只小手捧着我的脸说“嗷”,以为我叫她呢。这孩子是怎么回事?都快 六个月了,翻 身要推一把,坐要扶着,就会嗷嗷嚎,盯着姐姐碗里的饭咂吧嘴,瘦的小猴一样。老大那时候6个月已经翻得很熟练了。今天早上我在想是不是怀孕的时候没好好 养,把个孩子搞得这样了。刚怀上的时候不知道,还跑了趟大陆,每天背着30多磅重的老大爬6楼,朋友聚会啤酒喝了不少,机场里过安检,回来上班对着3个 21inch monitors, 忙得有时候中午饭都没时间吃,后来换工作,天天安检,最后两个月每星期跑长途,天天下了班到处跑 着看房子,啃个面包又是一顿饭,每天指望一杯coffee清醒一天。从出生开始到3个月大,几乎每天都在生病感冒流鼻涕,中耳炎,外耳炎都得过。我奶少, 只吃了3个星期。小老二如果以后一直傻愣愣,我可怎么对得起她这一辈子?