Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Sarah 歪诗一首

puke, 不过总算是小老大口述,她老爸笔录,记下来给她小姐长大了看,让她自己puke自己去。:)

It was on the way back from NY after the visiting of the families.

When I see a pond, I pee

When I go inside the tree, I eat
Upstairs pee poo in my food
(Daddy puked)

When I go inside the grass, I eat
Upstairs pee poo in my food
(Daddy puked again)

When I go inside the car, I eat
Upstairs poo pee in my food

When I go inside the bike, I eat
Upstairs poo pee in my food

When I go inside the motorcycle, I eat
Upstairs poo pee in my food

When I go inside the mud, I eat
Upstairs poo pee in my food

When I go inside the box, I eat
Upstairs poo pee in my food

When I go inside my shoe, I eat
Upstairs poo pee in my food
(Daddy throw up, “Sarah, You should throw your food away.”
Sarah, “Daddy, just write them down!”)

When I go inside the fire, I eat
Upstairs scare of the fire then cry
Now I can eat my food
(我和她老爸吐一地 ;P)

Kathy's New Names

Kathy's full name is Kathreen S Liu, 刘力瑄。 Kathy is her nick name. Last weekend, Sarah started calling her sister Sissy, for "Sissy is a good baby." And Daddy calls little Kathy 小虫虫。;-)

Monday, May 30, 2005

My Sweet Sarah

Bay Bridge

There was a joke between my husband and me about the Bay Bridge. Steve is scared of the Bay Bridge, the height of the Bay Bridge. On August 12, 2004, Steve and I took that bridge when we drove to my on-site interview for my current job with the State. After drove thru the bridge, I saw he sweated.
The bridge was kind of high above the water and narrower than any of the others we ever drove thru before. In the link below, there are quite a few of the pictures of the bridge.

I always think my Sarah is not a sweet girl since she seems to be more a careless person, a Tommy girl until last Saturday.

On the Memorial long weekend, we decided to take the girls to visit their grandparents and other relatives in New York. To avoid the heavy traffic, we took the Rt 50 which made us to take the Bay Bridge. On the way to NY, I talked about how Daddy scares of the Bay Bridge to Sarah. When we came back the next day, right before the bridge, I warned Steve, “here is the Bay Bridge, be prepared.” Right after I finished my sentence, Sarah asked her Daddy to play magic using the straw’s paper cover with her, and play the straws like swords too. So when our car was driving on the bridge, Sarah and Daddy were happily playing. When we approach to the end of the bridge, Sarah said to her Dad, “so you are not afraid of the bridge any more.” After made sure her Daddy is not scared any more. My little sweet girl took a nap. I was so touched about what she had done. To make her Daddy not be afraid, she tricked her Daddy to play with her to divert his attention from the bridge to something more fun. What a sweet girl she is!

Friday, May 27, 2005


Sissy is a sweet little Chinese girl in Sarah’s class. Her full name is Catherine Gao. Sissy is her nickname. She has beautiful eyes and very sweet smile. Whenever I see her, I’d try to make her smile or laugh. I enjoy to look at her round eyes becomes half moons, and little mouth opens up to show her tiny teeth.

I spoke to Sissy’s mother almost every time when we picked up the kids at the same time. Sissy’s mother is working in a lab at NIST, which is an agency under Department of Commerce. The family was from Shanghai. Sissy was born and grew up in the States. Since both of her parents are very busy on building up a new life in this country, Sissy may end up be the only child that they will have.

Yesterday as usual, the three girls, Sissy, Grace – another Chinese girl in the class, and Sarah played after school, while three mothers chatted and my husband relaxed on a bench. All of sudden, the three girls stopped running up and down. My husband went to check what went on. After a short pause, we heard Sissy cried hard. Our three mothers ran to comfort Sissy. The first thought came up to my mind was that Sarah pushed Sissy, which was proved to be wrong again. Of course later on, I was educated again by hubby.

On our way home, Sarah and Daddy told me what exactly happened to make Sissy cried.

The three girls found a caterpillar on the ground while didn’t realize it was dead at that time. Sarah and Grace are not afraid of any reptiles, while Sissy is. Somehow, Sissy picked up the dead caterpillar. After a second of holding the bug in her hands, she burst into tears and started cried hard.

For some reasons, I think the other two girls somehow talked into Sissy to pick up the bug, while Sissy tried to prove she could be as brave as her little friends. Peer pressure makes people do stupid things. Poor Sissy learned the lesson in a hard way. Or did she learn the lesson?

Someday, my little Sarah will do something silly or even stupid as Sissy did yesterday. What will she learn then? What will go thru her little mind then? Is there anything I can do to help? I wish, how much I wish, my babies were born with a manual, "Bring up me well and easy”。 ;)

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

What's in Kathy's mind?

Every evening hubby and I share the duty on taking care the two girls. Usually I'd have Sarah and hubby cares for Kathy. This Wednesday night I happend to have time to take care Kathy before she went to sleep, while hubby went downstairs working on something.
After read several stories to her and played with her for a while, Kathy seemed still not sleepy. I put her on her back and read my book next to her. Kathy sucked her fingers for only several seconds, then turned to me and spoke "ah ah ah oh...". So I smiled back at her, and said, "it's time to sleep, my little baby." She'd smile back at me, turn back on her back and continue sucking fingers. After not even one minute, she turned to her side and tried to grab my arm. "ah ah ah oh.......". I pick up her and held her in my arms. Kathy looked around, acting like she was trying to find something. I offered her bottle and she refused. While I was holding her, she kept looking aroung and talking "ah ah ah oh oh...". At that moment, I realized that Kathy was looking for her Daddy. It was about 10 o'clock. Kathy need to go to sleep. I put her in her crib while telling her that Daddy was downstairs doing something important. Kathy seemed to understand me and stop talking. She then took the bottle and went to sleep.
Downstairs I told hubby what Kathy acted. He went on silence for couple seconds, and said, "she's a very sweet baby." After finishing up what we need to do downstairs, we went up to our bedroom. There Kathy was sound sleep. Hubby bent down to the clib and talked to his little sweet girl. "Kathy, Daddy is here. Daddy will stay with you every night from now on." In the bathroom, I was almost in tears.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Kathy 被牙刷吓到了

每天给kathy洗澡的时候,我都是把她的bath tub放在sink 上面。 自从小Kathy会侧翻身, 每次洗澡小人都翻身去抓toothbrush holder里的牙刷。 我很喜欢看她用尽吃奶的力气, 小脸涨得通红的样子。 昨天小人家也照旧去抓牙刷。 小手指头捅呀捅地,没几下就先把上面的floss给捅到地上了。 盒子掉到地上的声音把小人自己吓地转过身来冲我撇撇嘴。 老妈我赶紧安慰, 没事的, Kathy 不怕。 小人咧咧嘴, 转过身去继续抓牙刷。 不知道是碰巧了,还是吃多了有力气了,小Kathy这次居然一下子把牙刷从toothbrush holder 里给拎出来了。 这下可好, 小人先是很惊叹地对着牙刷盯了2秒钟, 然后一松手放开牙刷, 转过身来对着我号啕大哭, 嘴里还不忘了给我念叨着刚才发生的吓人事件, “啊共共, 啊幕幕幕, 呵呵。。啊啊啊。。。。” 安慰是没有用了,直接把小人从水里捞出来, 放在大毛巾里擦干。 小人抬头一看见爸爸,眼直盯着爸爸 哭得更怨了。凄惨的故事当然是要更添油加醋地重复一边, “啊共共, 啊幕幕幕, 呵呵。。啊啊啊。。。。阿共共共呀。。。。” 可恨她老妈我在一边狂笑得肚子痛, 被老公指责没良心呀没良心。 :(

一个星期之后, 小老二再也没有用手抓过牙刷, 最多也只是瞪着眼傻愣愣地看几秒钟。小孩子的记忆到底能持续多久?

Kathy Sits

Originally uploaded by shryl2004.
May 8, 2005
Kathy can sit by herself with some support on the back.

Since then, Kathy practices sitting everyday. A week later, Kathy can sit without support for several seconds.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Kathy rolled over for the first time

Record the history.
For the first time, Kathy rolled her little body over from back to tummy this afternoon. But she screamed for helped because she could not roll back on her back. Mommy laughed so hard and forgot to help little Kathy to rolled back. Kiss Daddy for being so helpful. :)

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Sarah teaching Kathy counting toes

Originally uploaded by shryl2004.
If you don't know how those mathematician became mathematician, now you will know. They started with counting toes. :D

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Sarah and Kathy

See how dark Sarah is now?
I took this picture the night when Sarah insisted to hold Kathy herself. After that I read 3 books for both of them with Sarah sitting next to me and Kathy laid next to her sister. Kathy screamed the entire time when I was reading. Guess she was too excited to listen to the stories with her sister.

Kathy in mall for the first time

Originally uploaded by shryl2004.
May 7, 2005. It was the first time we took Kathy to the mall. She didn't know what to do. Looked absolutely silly. :)


Originally uploaded by shryl2004.
The book she's holding is titled "Biscuit". It's about a little puppy rescued a little duck and became friends. The very first time I read this book to Kathy, she laughed so hard whenever I read the words "woof, woof" and "quack, quack". And that was the only time she laughed when we read this book to her. :(

Sarah In Mall One Day Before Monther's Day

Originally uploaded by shryl2004.
After took this picture, we went to a Chinese Buffet restaurant, City Lite Buffet in Gaithersburt. The restaurant has very good seafood trays for very reasonable price. Sarah ate 3 slices of pizza and 2 cups of icecream. And we paid $6.95 for her!

Kathy's New Chair

Originally uploaded by shryl2004.
Mommy and Daddy had to buy a new booster chair for little Kathy because Sarah won't give up hers.
We waited for the Mother's Day sales and got this one for $5.00 less.

